@article{oai:shukutoku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001450, author = {藤森, 雄介 and 渡邉, 義昭 and 白井, 幸久 and 白井, 孝子 and 佐藤, 紀子 and 小林, 麻子 and Fujimori, Yusuke and Watanabe, Yoshiaki and Shirai, Yoshiyuki and Shirai, Takako and Sato, Noriko and Kobayashi, Asako}, issue = {1}, journal = {国際経営・文化研究, Cross-cultural business and cultural studies}, month = {Nov}, note = {The purpose of this study was to find relationship in the cooperation of care workers and nurses in risk management. According to Long-Term Care Insurance Act in 2000, all nursing home have to build to make risk management. Under this research, show 596 cases in a nursing home in Saitama Prefecture. In addition, 58.6% of cases contact was within 5 minutes, and more than 50 percent fall. Many cases were not serious, was only reported. The results of this research, risk management issue, not a long-short contact, and recognize that it is important that you take any collaboration in the daily work of nurses and care workers., 4, 論文}, pages = {49--70}, title = {施設生活高齢者の安全確保に向けた介護・看護専門職の連携と協働}, volume = {14}, year = {2009}, yomi = {フジモリ, ユウスケ and ワタナベ, ヨシアキ and シライ, ヨシユキ and シライ, タカコ and サトウ, ノリコ and コバヤシ, アサコ} }