@article{oai:shukutoku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001527, author = {境, 忠宏 and 土屋, 裕希乃 and Sakai, Tadahiro and Tsuchiya, Yukino}, issue = {1}, journal = {国際経営・文化研究, Cross-cultural business and cultural studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {Social dilemma occurs if people act based only on self‐interest and the society as a whole is greatly impaired. For the survival of human society, mutual cooperation based on altruism is essential. We can find two types of altluistic behaviors. One is instrumental altluistic behavior expecting future return and the other is objective altluistic behavior expecting no return. We need consolidation of both altruistic behaviors for social cooperation based on the indirect reciprocity. In addition, for the construction of co-growth society, leadership based on altruism becomes especially important. We empirically examined the social function and personal reqisites of leadership based on altruism and found the following cyclical relationship among social skills, leadeship and social support. Social skill of self-presentation causes leadership as instrumental altruistic behavior and it expands the social support. The expansion of social support improves social skill of assistance and it causes leadership as objective altruistic behavior., 7, 論文}, pages = {61--77}, title = {利他共生のリーダーシップの機能と要件 : 共同成長のためのリーダーシップ}, volume = {19}, year = {2015}, yomi = {サカイ, タダヒロ and ツチヤ, ユキノ} }