@article{oai:shukutoku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001704, author = {青柳, 涼子 and Aoyagi, Ryoko}, journal = {淑徳大学大学院総合福祉研究科研究紀要, Shukutoku University Graduate School of Integrated Human and Social Welfare Studies bulletin}, month = {Sep}, note = {本研究の目的は,人々の地域愛着の規定要因を明らかにするともに,地域活動経験や近所づきあいなど,個人と地域のつながりを示す諸変数の相互の関連を明らかにすることにある。分析の結果,以下の点が明らかになった。 地域活動経験者は未経験者に比べて地域愛着度が高い傾向が認められるが,基本属性・地域活動経験・近所づきあいの程度を独立変数,地域愛着を従属変数とする多変量解析の結果によれば,地域愛着の規定要因は居住年数と近所づきあいの程度であって,地域活動経験の有無ではなかった。ただし今回,幅広い地域活動への参加状況が近所づきあいの有無と関連することも明らかになり,これは,地域活動への参加が地域の人間関係の充実へとつながる契機となって,その結果,地域愛着度を高める可能性があることを示唆しているといえるだろう。, This study aims at clarifying determining factors of people's place attachment, as well as clarifying mutual relationships between multiple variables that manifest ties between an individual and a region, including experience of regional activity, neighborhood involvement, etc. The following points were elucidated as the result of this analysis. Persons with experience of regional activity have a higher place attachment than persons with no such experience. Analysis was also made with independent variables consisting of basic attributes, experience of regional activity, extent of neighborhood involvement, and with place attachment as a dependent variable. Here, however, results showed that determining factors for place attachment were the number of years of residence and the extent of neighborhood involvement, and not the experience of regional activity. This time, though, a state of participation in broad-ranging regional activity was associated with whether or not one has had neighborhood involvement. This finding suggests that participation in regional activity is an opportunity for improving relationships with people from the region, which may possibly result in an increase in place attachment., 2, 論文}, pages = {25--42}, title = {地域愛着および地域とのつながりを規定する要因の探索的分析}, volume = {24}, year = {2017}, yomi = {アオヤギ, リョウコ} }