@article{oai:shukutoku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001717, author = {横田, 千賀子 and Yokota, Chikako}, journal = {淑徳大学大学院総合福祉研究科研究紀要, Shukutoku University Graduate School of Integrated Human and Social Welfare Studies bulletin}, month = {Sep}, note = {近年の自閉症スペクトラム障害(Autism Spectrum Disorder以下,ASD)児の情動に関する先行研究を整理し,研究動向を明らかにし,今後の研究課題について検討を行った。その結果,研究動向として,ASD児の情動が欠如していることや定型発達児との差異が強調された研究から,環境をととのえた療育的なかかわりの中で情動を育む研究へと移行してきていることが明らかとなった。今後の研究課題として,(1)情動と他の発達領域との連関について,(2)ASD児の情動調整の困難さ,外在的及び内在的調整の様相を明らかにすること,(3)情動のもつ身体性を明らかにする研究の必要性,(4)二者関係としてASD児の情動を理解する研究の必要性,以上4点を示した。, Recent studies on the emotions of children with autism spectrum disorder (hereinafter, ASD) were conducted to clarify the research trends and examine the tasks for future research. The results showed that there was a shift in research trends. Previously, studies emphasized that children with ASD lacked emotions, and focused on the difference between children with ASD and those with a normal development. Subsequently, studies moved into the realm of developing the emotions of children with ASD through therapeutic interaction in a managed environment. This study identified the following four points as tasks for future research: 1) the examination of the link between emotions and other developmental areas, 2) uncovering the difficulties children with ASD have in adjusting their emotions and the state of external and internal adjustment, 3) the necessity of research clarifying the physicality that emotions have, and 4) the necessity of research that clarifies the emotions of children with ASD as a dyadic relationship., 6, 論文}, pages = {81--99}, title = {自閉症児の情動研究の現状と今後の課題}, volume = {25}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ヨコタ, チカコ} }