@article{oai:shukutoku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001794, author = {青柳, 涼子 and Aoyagi, Ryoko}, journal = {淑徳大学大学院総合福祉研究科研究紀要, Shukutoku University Graduate School of Integrated Human and Social Welfare Studies bulletin}, month = {Sep}, note = {本研究の目的は,地域活動へ参加が地域愛着意識に与えるインパクトを地域活動経験がもたらす個人への効用に着目して明らかにすることにある。2017年に千葉市緑区おゆみ野地域の住民を対象に調査票を配布したところ,317名から回答を得ることができた。地域愛着意識を構成する2因子のうち,社会的環境因子を従属変数とし,調査対象者の性別や居住年数等の基本属性,および地域活動への関わりに関する諸変数を独立変数として重回帰分析を行った。その結果,人々の社会的環境に対する愛着意識は,居住年数の長さや小学生以下の子どもの有無といった事柄のほかに,地域活動への関わり方と関連していた。とくに,地域活動から得たもの,すなわち活動の効用の程度によって規定されていることが明らかになった。, This study explains the impact that participating in community activities has on place attachment, focusing on the effects on individuals who take park in community activities. In 2017, a questionnaire was distributed to the Oyumino area in the Midori Ward, Chiba City, it garnered 317 responses. A multiple regression analysis was conducted regarding the two factors that encompass place attachment; socio-environmental factors act as the dependent variable, and basic attributes, such as the gender of the survey participants, the number of years of residence in the area, and participation in community activities act as the independent variable. The analysis revealed that people’s socio-environmental attachment was connected to the duration of their residence in the community, whether they had children of elementary school age or younger, and their involvement in community activities. Above all, participants’ levels of attachment were strongly determined by whether anything had been gained from their experiences in community activities., 4, 論文}, pages = {57--70}, title = {地域活動への参加が地域愛着意識に与える影響 : 活動の効用に着目して}, volume = {26}, year = {2019}, yomi = {アオヤギ, リョウコ} }