@article{oai:shukutoku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002086, author = {松本, 良恵 and 加納, 啓太 and 神, 信人 and Matsumoto, Yoshie and Kano, Keita and Jin, Nobuhito}, journal = {淑徳大学大学院総合福祉研究科研究紀要}, month = {Sep}, note = {本研究は,過剰適応傾向の高い人々が自身の過剰適応傾向を実際以上に低く回答するという反応バイアスを持つことの確認を目的とした。大学生279名に質問紙調査を行い,過剰適応尺度(石津・安保,2008)と,精神的不調を引き起こす過剰適応行動尺度の自己評価および他者評価を推測させた(他者評価の推測)。この「他者」として「自分を最もよくわかってくれている他者」を想定させた。過剰適応傾向の高い人々は重要な他者が自分を理解していないかのような回答をすることに抵抗感があるため,他者評価の推測は反応バイアスを低減させると考えられる。我々は自己評価の回答と他者評価の推測の回答の関係を検討した。その結果,バイアスの影響がない過剰適応行動尺度の他者評価の推測は,過剰適応尺度の測定値に対して,上に凸の曲線関係を示した。これにより,反応バイアスの存在が確認された。, This study aimed to confirm that people with high levels of over-adaptive tendencies have a response bias in that they respond to over-adaptation scales at a lower level than their actual tendencies. A survey was conducted on 279 undergraduate students, who responded to both the Over-Adaptation Scale (Ishizu & Anbo, 2008) and Over-Adaptive Behaviors Threatening Mental Health Scale (hereinafter called “the behavioral scale”). For the latter, in addition to their own evaluations, the participants responded with their inferences of evaluations by others. Participants were asked to assume that the other person was ‟the one who knew them the best.” Since people with high levels of over-adaptive tendencies are resistant to responding as if someone important to them did not understand them, inferring the evaluations by others was expected to reduce their response bias. We examined the relationship between their responses comprising self-evaluations and their inferences of evaluations by others. We found that the inference of evaluation by others on the “behavioral scale,” which is unaffected by bias, showed an upward convex curvilinear relationship to the Over-Adaptation Scale (Ishizu & Anbo, 2008), which is affected by bias. This result suggests the presence of a response bias., 6, 論文}, pages = {87--107}, title = {過剰適応傾向の高い人々が持つ反応バイアス}, volume = {29}, year = {2022}, yomi = {マツモト, ヨシエ and カノウ, ケイタ and ジン, ノブヒト} }